Recent and forthcoming works by our founding members; a snapshot of our history.
Essays & Edited Volumes
Love as Method: Teaching Phillis Wheatley Peters and Honorée Fanonne Jeffers by Eugenia Zuroski
Loving Blackness Across Arts and Sciences by Michelle S. Hite and Deanna P. Koretsky
Race, Blackness, and Romanticism - A special issue of Studies in Romanticism edited by Patricia A. Matthew.
Beyond Slavery, Knowledge of Freedom - Bakary Diaby and Deanna P. Koretsky review Stolen Life and Beyond Slavery and Abolition
The Dangerous Mischaracterization of CRT by Manu Samriti Chander
The Poetics of Abolition by Manu Samriti Chander
Manu Samriti Chander’s Brown Ramblist
"A daemon whom I had myself created": Race, Frankenstein, and Monstering by Patricia A. Matthew
Shondaland’s Regency: On “Bridgerton” by Patricia A. Matthew
Romantic Diversitarianism: Problems and Promises by Manu Samriti Chander
The Indigenous Lyrical Ballads by Nikki Hessell
This Ship We’re In by Eugenia Zuroski
Truth and Reconciliation in Eighteenth-Century Literature: The Case of the “Monster Brandt” by Nikki Hessell
Romanticism and Metonymic Decolonization by Manu Samriti Chander
The Uses and Limits of Archives in Decolonial Curricula by Deanna P. Koretsky
#BIPOC18 and the Undercommons of Enlightenment by Eugenia Zuroski
Jane Austen and the Abolitionist Turn by Patricia A. Matthew
Look Before You Leap by Patricia A. Matthew
New Directions in Transatlantic Romanticisms - A special issue of Symbiosis: A Journal of Transatlantic Literary and Cultural Relations edited by Deanna P. Koretsky & Joel Pace.
Black Literacy and Resistance in Jamaica by Rebecca Schneider
“Oh My God, I think America’s Racist” by Manu Samriti Chander
Holding Patterns: On Academic Knowledge and Labor by Eugenia Zuroski
Serving Tea for a Cause by Patricia A. Matthew
The Interracial Marriage Plot by Deanna P. Koretsky
Abolitionist Interruptions: Romanticism, Slavery, and Genre - A special issue of European Romantic Review edited by Manu Samriti Chander & Patricia A. Matthew
Black Byronism by Matt Sandler
On Teaching, But Not Loving, Jane Austen by Patricia A. Matthew